Monday, October 8, 2007

I've just added a few feeds to my bloglines account - who'da thought I'd ever have know what that meant, but I do now, and am knee deep in up to the minute news.
But back in the slow lane, I have just re-read a wonderful book which I can highly recommend, if it sounds like your sort of thing. Tom Clancy fans, stop reading here.
It's called "Aristocrats" by Stella Tillyard and tells the true story of four sisters, Caroline, Emily, Louise and Sarah Lennox who lived in England in the 18th century. They were aristocrats, moving in political and regal circles but were also truly remarkable women; for instance, Emily married the richest man in Ireland, had nineteen children, and then ran off with their tutor and had three more! They have left vivid letters, diaries, and household accounts, and the book makes their lives and times absolutely fascinating.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I added your blog to my Bloglines feeds so of course I was notified that you had updated. I love Bloglines.It will be something I continue to use after Learning 2.0 has finished.
I have given the Stella Tillyard as a Christmas present a couple of times and it has always been well received. I think the Library also has an illustrated edition.